Git for Windows (not cygwin) svn clone: unable to remap to same address as parent -

my git installation under win 8 standard setup (not full cygwin setup). when try git svn clone, error. repeats once few seconds until press ctrl+d.

enter image description here

i've seen thread here it's cygwin setup. how fix one?

so overall, following this guide.

the following commands fixed error mentioned, git install path wherever git is, , path dlls @ top of error mention (i got second ddl after running first command).

<git install path>\bin\rebase -b 0x64000000 <path dlls>libsvn_repos-1-0.dll  <git install path>\bin\rebase -b 0x64200000 <path dlls>libneon-25.dll 

it might give error fetching after this, manual git fetch again.

note: either use ruby's command line or add path (this in linked document). also, found commands while looking on internet cant remember exact source. answers had cygwin don't use.


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