javascript - smooth scrolling animation distance over time -
i'm trying create smooth endless animation using javascript manipulate translate , i'm having hard time developing formulate dynamic speed acceleration , deceleration
this have far
function run() { //stride(); =; var delta = (now - time) / 1000; draw(delta); time = now; if(streets.y1 >= h) streets.y1 = 0 - h + 1; else if(streets.y2 >= h) streets.y2 = 0 - h + 1; requestanimationframe(run); } function draw(delta) { var old_y = streets.y1; var n = old_y + delta; streets.y1 += math.abs(n - old_y) * 25.8; street[0].style[ $.fx.cssprefix + 'transform' ] = 'translate(0,'+ math.round(streets.y1) + 'px)'; var old_y = streets.y2; var n = old_y + delta; streets.y2 += math.abs(n - old_y) * 25.8; street[1].style[ $.fx.cssprefix + 'transform' ] = 'translate(0,'+ math.round(streets.y2) +'px)'; }
can give me pointers or steer me tutorial.
doing kind of animation hand sucks. recommend using 3rd-party library have focus on making awesome stuff happen , not annoying stuff.
the best 1 (by far) greensock's gsap.
seriously, check out. super simple use.
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