jquery - Ajax not passing strings or arrays to MVC Controller -

i have jquery method

var params = {     pgroupidents: $.param({ pgroupidents: groupidents }),     pisnew: isnew,     pnewtypecategoryident: $(detailsnewtypecategory_select).val(),     pnewtypetitle: $(detailsnewtypetitle_tb).val(),     pexistingtypeident: $(detailsexistingtypecategory_select).val(),     pnote: isnew ? $(detailsnewtypenote_tb).val() : $(detailsexistingtypenote_select).val() }; var json = json.stringify(params); $.ajax({     url: "/activities/postextracurricular/setextracurricular/",     type: "post",     data: json,     datatype: "json",     processdata: false,     contenttype: "application/json; charset=utf-8" })     .always(function () {     })     .success(function (data) {     })     .fail(function () {     }); 

posting method

    public jsonresult setextracurricular(int32[] pgroupidents, bool pisnew, int pnewtypecategoryident, string pnewtypetitle, int pexistingtypeident, string pnote) 

and stringified data this


in controller int parameters work fine, both string parameters , int32[] parameters null.

ive tried; adding [httppost], traditional: true, string vs string, int[] vs int32[] vs ienumerable[int]

ive done before dandy ive no idea whats not working here

you should not stringify params. sending through object fine.

$.ajax({     url: "/activities/postextracurricular/setextracurricular/",     type: "post",     data: params,     datatype: "json",     processdata: false, }) 


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