sql - What is wrong with this package declaration and definition -

package cpac    stgfile xyz_instance.filename%type;   procedure poc (cid     in xyz_instance.client_id%type,                   stgtype in xyz_instance.stg_instance%type,                   stgsrc  in xyz_instance.stg_source%type); end;  package body cpac    procedure poc (cid     in xyz_instance.client_id%type,                   stgtype in xyz_instance.stg_instance%type,                   stgsrc  in xyz_instance.stg_source%type                   )     begin       select filename          stgfile          xyz_instance         stg_instance = stgtype           , stg_source = stgsrc           , client_id = cid;    end poc;  begin   poc('0123','19517','l');   dbms_output.put_line(stgfile);  end cpac; 

sql statement alone executing, procedure alone containing sql executing within package error :

error @ line 4

ora-00900: invalid sql statement,

took reference following document:http://docstore.mik.ua/orelly/oracle/prog2/ch16_02.htm

prefix package header , body creation create or replace:

create or replace package cpac    stgfile xyz_instance.filename%type;   procedure poc (cid     in xyz_instance.client_id%type,                   stgtype in xyz_instance.stg_instance%type,                   stgsrc  in xyz_instance.stg_source%type); end; /  create or replace package body cpac    procedure poc (cid     in xyz_instance.client_id%type,                   stgtype in xyz_instance.stg_instance%type,                   stgsrc  in xyz_instance.stg_source%type                   )     begin       select filename          stgfile          xyz_instance         stg_instance = stgtype           , stg_source = stgsrc           , client_id = cid;    end poc;  begin   poc('0123','19517','l');   dbms_output.put_line(stgfile);  end cpac; / 

edit: if don't have permission create package, can't create package. however, may still able create procedure or function within declare section of anonymous pl/sql block, , run procedure/function later on during block. in below sample i'm logged in user doesn't have permissions create stored procedure, hence error attempting create one:

sql> create or replace procedure test begin null; end;   2  / create or replace procedure test begin null; end; * error @ line 1: ora-01031: insufficient privileges   sql> declare   2     stgfile   xyz_instance.filename%type;   3   4     procedure poc (cid     in xyz_instance.client_id%type,   5                   stgtype in xyz_instance.stg_instance%type,   6                   stgsrc  in xyz_instance.stg_source%type   7                   )   8     begin   9        select filename  10          stgfile  11          xyz_instance  12         stg_instance = stgtype  13           , stg_source = stgsrc  14           , client_id = cid;  15     end poc;  16  17  begin  18    poc('0123','19517','l');  19    dbms_output.put_line(stgfile);  20  end;  21  / test-filename.txt  pl/sql procedure completed. 


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