windows - Executing a .ps1 file from a .bat file -

i have .bat file that executes list of things no issues. powershell execute line: powershell.exe "y:\data\fs01\notouch_deploy.ps1"

i following error: warning: failed load 'sqlas' extension: exception in smo while trying manage service. --> failed retrieve data request. --> invalid class

when run same script through gui, runs no issues. have tried , running simple powershell script in same spot (the test 1 throws windows message box, let me know opening , executing) works well. once add in regular .ps1 , run .bat file error. script included below. quick summary of script: sets few variables creates 2 functions (bcp, , logwrite error trapping) renames tables , fires sql stored procedure. executes bcp function move data server server, executes 1 more procedure.

cls  [system.reflection.assembly]::loadwithpartialname("") ## test msgbox## []::show("we proceeding next step." , "status")  $erroractionpreference = "stop" [void][system.reflection.assembly]::loadwithpartialname("microsoft.sqlserver.smo") [void][system.reflection.assembly]::loadwithpartialname("") add-pssnapin sqlserverprovidersnapin100 -erroraction silentlycontinue add-pssnapin sqlservercmdletsnapin100 -erroraction silentlycontinue import-module sqlps -disablenamechecking -erroraction silentlycontinue #import-module sqlas    -disablenamechecking -erroraction silentlycontinue set-location 'c:\' # set variables (make table driven final tool creation) $sourceserver = "devserv" $sourcedb = "devdb" $sourceobject = "devtable" $targserver = "prodserv" $targdb = "proddb" $targobject = "prodtable"  $containerdb =  'maindb'  ################################################################################################################ ##                                      begin function logwrite                                              ## ##################################################################################################### ########### function logwrite ()     {         param             (                  [string]$logstr,                 [string]$table,                 [string]$server,                 [string]$database             )          trap{continue}          #$datetime = get-date -uformat "%y:%mm:%d:%h:%m:%s"          $loginsquery = "insert dbo.deploy_log ([tablename], [logtext],[datestamp]) values ('" + $table + "', '" + $logstr + "',getdate())"          invoke-sqlcmd -serverinstance $sserver -database $sdb -query $loginsquery      } ################################################################################################################ ##                                      begin function bcp ################################################################################################################   function bcp ()     {         param             (                 [string]$sourceserver,                 [string]$sourcedb,                 [string]$sourceobject,                 [string]$targserver,                 [string]$targdb,                 [string]$targobject             )         $newserver          try             {                 $sourcecon = new-object data.sqlclient.sqlconnection                 $sourcecon.connectionstring = "data     source=$sourceserver;database=$sourcedb;integrated security=true"                  logwrite  "$targobject -- beginning bcp transfer process" $sourceobject                  $targcon = new-object data.sqlclient.sqlconnection                 $targcon.connectionstring = "data source=$targserver;database=$targdb;integrated security=true"                 $                  #[long]$startcount = (invoke-sqlcmd -serverinstance $sourceserver -query "select count(*) 'ct' $targdb.dbo.$targobject")[0]                  $bcp = new-object data.sqlclient.sqlbulkcopy($targcon.connectionstring, []::keepidentity)                  $fieldsserver = new-object "" $targserver                 $devserver = new-object "" $sourceserver                  $selectstring = 'select '                 $devserver.databases[$targdb].tables | ?{$ -eq $targobject} | %{$_.columns | %{$selectstring += "[$($],"}}                 $selectstring = $selectstring.substring(0, ($selectstring.length - 1)) # remove trailing comma                 $selectstring += " dbo.$sourceobject"                  $                 $sqlcmd = new-object "data.sqlclient.sqlcommand" -argumentlist $selectstring, $sourcecon                 [data.idatareader]$datareader = $sqlcmd.executereader()                  $bcp.bulkcopytimeout = 0                 $bcp.destinationtablename = "dbo.$targobject"                 $bcp.writetoserver($datareader)                  $sqlcmd = $null                 $datareader = $null                                                      $sourcecon.close()                 $bcp.close()                  $targcon.close()                  logwrite  "$targobject -- transfer complete" $sourceobject;              }         catch             {                 logwrite "error in bcp subroutine -- $_" $sourceobject;             }      }  ################################################################################################################ ##                                      begin main code section end of functions     ################################################################################################################  try              {      $sqlquery = "sp_rename 'tablename','tablename_deploy'"     invoke-sqlcmd -serverinstance $sserver -database $sdb -query $sqlquery     $sqlquery =""  # runs sproc on fld server make sure _deploy table exists, empty , indexed.      $deploytablesproc = "execute  [dbo].[sp_notouch_staging_build]"     invoke-sqlcmd -serverinstance $targserver -database $containerdb -query $deploytablesproc  # runs bcp process copy records feild new prepared table.  bcp $sserver $sdb $sourceobject $targserver $targdb $targobject       $sqlquery = "execute [maindb].[dbo].[notify_notouch] @emailtype =  6"     invoke-sqlcmd -serverinstance $sserver -database $sdb -query $sqlquery     $sqlquery =""   logwrite  "no touch table transfer complete table renamed , indexed" $sourceobject;              }         catch             {                 logwrite "error in transfer process" $sourceobject;             } 

i tried add #import-module sqlas -disablenamechecking -erroraction silentlycontinue did not help. ideas? thanks

since want run script via task scheduler, go ahead , create task on server want on. in actions tab, set following criteria:

program/script field


add arguments field:

-noprofile -executionpolicy unrestricted -nologo -command "&{\\path\to\your\files\filename.ps1 -silent:$true}" 

if want test batch file, have code this:

schtasks /run /s "servername" /tn "scheduled tasks named" | out-string 


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