python - Why might a session not be current? -
i have unit test defined so. setup works correctly. config dictionary location of mysql executable , name of database.
import unittest #mercury datainterface import sqldatasources candc import blankslate candc import configuration #under test candc import addtask #this temporary measure until more elegant configuration implemented configpath = '/somewhere/in/my/filesystem' class addtasktest(unittest.testcase): ''' test adding task ''' def setup(self): ''' blank out database ''' config = configuration.config(configpath) blankslate.wipe(config) def test_addandretreive(self): ''' add , retrieve task ''' config = configuration.config(configpath) source = sqldatasources.source(config.sqlcredentials()) #of type sqlalchemy.orm.session.session session = source.sqlsession() #insert test tasks addtask.insert('tests/candc/test_task', session) addtask.insert('tests/candc/test_task', session) addtask.insert('tests/candc/test_task', session) session.close() #retreive test task #ask more should in there session = source.sqlsession() tasks = source.opentasksready(4, session) #three should return self.assertequal(len(tasks), 3)
the source class looks this:
from actionresources import workhandlers __author__ = 'packet-racket' ''' encapsulates data access mysql via sqlalchemy. maintains stateful connectiont db''' #sqlalchemy connection sqlalchemy import create_engine sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker #mercury objects mercuryalchemy import schemaobjects #needed built-ins datetime import datetime class source(): ''' connection imports ''' def __init__(self, connectionparameters): ''' make , keep connection mysql connectionparameters -- dict ''' #connect # self.engine = create_engine('mysql+mysqldb://root:@localhost:3306/mercury', pool_recycle=3600) #kludge -- pool_recycle self.engine = create_engine(connectionparameters, pool_recycle=3600) self.session = sessionmaker() self.session.configure(bind=self.engine) def add(self, schemaobject, sess): ''' acid addition of schemaobject type schemobject -- schemaobjet.whatever ''' sess.add(schemaobject) def sqlsession(self): ''' :return: session work ''' return self.session() def opentasksready(self, thismany, asession): ''' return thismany open tasks ready start thismany -- integer sess - session work ''' return asession.query(schemaobjects.task).filter( schemaobjects.task.status == 'open').filter( schemaobjects.task.start_time <=
addtask looks this:
import ast datetime import datetime #mercury imports actionresources import workhandlers datainterface import sessionhelpers def insert(filename, session): ''' insert task given file name session -- sql alchemy session ''' lines = '' open(filename, 'rb') athand: lines = athand.readlines() #commbine file 1 line, getting rid of newlines lines = ''.join(lines) lines = lines.split('\n') #no blank elements lines = [item item in lines if len(item) > 0] lines = ''.join(lines) inputdict = ast.literal_eval(lines) #todo -- maybe cleaner way whatever #needs manually changed every new workhandler -- big kludge ''' how should done. scane workhandlers module 1 matching name of 1 given in input. create , insert 1 of found type. ''' mappings = { 'createonedeleteold': workhandlers.createonedeleteold, 'donothing': workhandlers.donothing } #create worker specifiedhandler = inputdict['work_handler'].lower() if specifiedhandler in mappings: #map class instantiator variable handlerclass = mappings[specifiedhandler] else: raise exception('invalid work handler named.') #remember this: #datetime.datetime.strptime(s, '%y-%m-%d %h:%m:%s.%f') if 'start_time' in inputdict: #format: '2014-09-19 15:19:50.414395' start_time = datetime.strptime(inputdict['start_time'], '%y-%m-%d %h:%m:%s.%f') else: start_time = task = handlerclass(description=inputdict['description'], status='open',, start_time=start_time) #insert tasks session.add(task) session.commit()
sqldatasources own class interacts sql alchemy setup. it's methods take session , use retrieve or insert data. problem retrieval doesn't fetch objects. fails intermittenly. if run in debug mode , pause before line tasks = source.opentasksready(4, session)
, passes test. problem?
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