bash - How can I list the SSH connection sequence on a remote computer? -

suppose working on locala (username usera). use ssh tunnel remoteb (username userb), remotec (username userc), remotedestinationd (username userd).

it following:

usera@locala$ ssh userb@remoteb userb@remoteb$ ssh userc@remotec userc@remotec$ ssh userd@remotedestinationd userd@remotedestinationd$  

suppose forget series of connections used connect locala remotedestinationd. have been 1 jump (e.g. usera@locala$ ssh userd@remotedestinationd) or 3 jumps (as in example above). how programmatically determine series of jumps was? ("scroll through history, dummy!" doesn't count....)

i'd bash script output following:

usera@locala$ --> userb@remoteb userb@remoteb$ --> userc@remotec userc@remotec$ --> userd@remotedestinationd 

any ideas?

thanks in advance!

there no way this, suspect. there bunch of true hacks if willing, such turning on x11 port forwarding , using different ports counting.

or, more obnoxiously:

sshcount=0 ssh usera@remotea "echo sshcount=$(($sshcount+1)) > .bashrc; bash" 

and there similar b, sshcount keeps incrementing.

clearly should done via overwriting .sshcountrc file or something, , source .bashrc. , then, might need make file name dependent on munging of $ssh_tty if want support doing parallel versions of this.

and whole thing hack maybe shouldn't anyway , should solve problem way. or remove need counting in first place.


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