c++ - sorting a QAbstractTableModel and expose it to qml -

i need create integration between qt , qml, qt ask info server, create tablemodel qt , expose info qml. i've reached point, i've sort info. i'm using qsortfilterproxymodel, of examples i've found created widgets, , create tableview qt, when tried create qml, there's not option "setsortingenabled", in qml i've many objects no tableview. have used order model->sort(1, qt:ascendingorder) there not change in qml screen


#include "simmainwindow.h" #include "turndisplaytable.h" #include "turndisplayitem.h" #include <qtqml> #include <qgraphicsobject> #include <qdebug> #include <qdeclarativeview> #include <qquickview> #include <qqmlapplicationengine> #include <qtwidgets> #include <qmainwindow> #include <tablemodel.h> #include <qsortfilterproxymodel>  simmainwindow::simmainwindow(int argc, char **argv): qguiapplication(argc, argv), view() {   qdebug() << "begin"; ///////////////////////////////    qmlregistertype<turndisplaytable>("turndisplaytable", 1,0, "turndisplaytable");    filesmodel= new turndisplaytable();   view.rootcontext()->setcontextproperty("idfilesmodel", filesmodel);   proxymodel = new qsortfilterproxymodel(this);   proxymodel->setsourcemodel(filesmodel);   proxymodel->sort(1, qt::ascendingorder);    view.rootcontext()->setcontextproperty("pmodel", proxymodel);    view.setsource( qurl::fromlocalfile("./ui/main.qml") );    qobject::connect((qobject*)view.rootobject(), signal(refreshmsg()), this, slot(refreshhome()));   qobject::connect((qobject*)view.rootobject(), signal(changemsg()), this, slot(changehome()));   qobject::connect((qobject*)view.rootobject(), signal(sortmsg()), this, slot(sorthome()));   qobject::connect((qobject*)view.rootobject(), signal(infomsg(qstring, qstring)), this, slot(infohome(qstring, qstring)));       view.show();    qdebug() << "end"; /////////////////////////////// }   simmainwindow::~simmainwindow() {}  void simmainwindow::refreshhome() {   qdebug() << "refresh";   qlist<turndisplayitem> list;   qstring  turn = "2";   qstring  date = "septiembre";   turndisplayitem item(turn, date);   list << item;    turn = "4";   date = "mayo";   turndisplayitem item2(turn, date);   list << item2;    turn = "1";   date = "julio";   turndisplayitem item3(turn, date);   list << item3;    turn = "3";   date = "abril";   turndisplayitem item4(turn, date);   list << item4;    turn = "2";   date = "mayo";   turndisplayitem item5(turn, date);   list << item5;     filesmodel->setcurrencymap(list);   proxymodel->setsourcemodel(filesmodel);   proxymodel->sort(1, qt::ascendingorder); }  void simmainwindow::changehome() {   qdebug() << "cambio";   qlist<turndisplayitem> list;   qstring  turn = "3";   qstring  date = "sep";   turndisplayitem item(turn, date);   list << item;    turn = "1";   date = "may";   turndisplayitem item2(turn, date);   list << item2;    turn = "2";   date = "jul";   turndisplayitem item3(turn, date);   list << item3;    turn = "6";   date = "abr";   turndisplayitem item4(turn, date);   list << item4;    turn = "9";   date = "oct";   turndisplayitem item5(turn, date);   list << item5;     filesmodel->setcurrencymap(list); }  void simmainwindow::sorthome() {   proxymodel->sort(0, qt::ascendingorder);   view.rootcontext()->setcontextproperty("pmodel", proxymodel);   qdebug()<< "sort...";   view.show(); }  void simmainwindow::infohome(const qstring &turnh, const qstring &dateh) {   qdebug() << "info";   qlist<turndisplayitem> list;   qstring  turn = turnh;   qstring  date = dateh;   turndisplayitem item(turn, date);   list << item;    filesmodel->setcurrencymap(list); } 

try this, works in case:

model model;  qsortfilterproxymodel proxymodel; proxymodel.setsortrole(model::yourcustom_role_here); proxymodel.setsourcemodel(&model); proxymodel.setdynamicsortfilter(true); proxymodel.sort(0); 

i suspect model not sorting because have set target role setting setsortrole(int role) , appling void qsortfilterproxymodel::sort(int column, qt::sortorder order = qt::ascendingorder) [virtual].

i hope solve problem.


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