html - Finding out what http requests were made by the user -

i working on project involving finding out http requests made user.

i have http request , response headers (but not data), , need find out content requested user , content automatically sent (e.g. ads pages, streaming on background, , sorts of unrelevant content). when recording net traffic (even short period) alot of content gets generated, , of not relevant. since im no expert in http, i'd directions of headers can safely use (assuming web pages send them), , headers might omitted , not safe rely on.

my current idea involves: find html files, , check main html files (no referrer or search engine referrer), , recursively mark files called these html files onward relevant, , discard rest.

the problem i've been told can't trust referrer header, , have no idea of how identify html files clicked user. every kind of appreciated, sorry if post not formatted well, first question here.

edit: i've been told question is'nt clear enough, i'm asking way determine requests triggered user , whic requests automatically made

to determine request send user should @ first request send through connection , @ it's response body.

all external files referenced in first body consecutively send user send automatically without users interaction.

time passing between requests factor worth looking at.

another thing mentioned looking @ referer header. far rfc 2616 14.36 goes can trusted, referer header must not sent if request uri comes user input. although there automatically send content not have referer header set, it's optional.


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