c# - Cant Access Value of spinner contol WPF -

i have tried following access value spinner control. spinner part of microsoft service manager wpf controls dll giving me following routerdpropertychangedeventargs'1[system.decimal]. question how retrieve value self.

i attached event in winforms following event handler

indexedorderspincontrol.valuechanged += spinvaluechanged;  private void spinvaluechanged(object sender, routedpropertychangedeventargs<decimal> e) {      messagebox.show("this should value of spin control " + convert.tostring(e.newvalue)); } 

sorry should have explained trying use value in linq query retrieve description of column such

 private void spinvaluechanged(object sender, routedpropertychangedeventargs<decimal> e)   {     observablecollection<customcolumnsmodel> columnslist = this.wizarddata.concretecustomcolumnsproxy;    var q = columnslist.where(a => a.columnindex == (double)e.newvalue).firstordefault())  ;   } 


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