c# - EF DBConfiguration associated automatically to DBContext without annotation -

using latest ef (6.1.1) , ef sql server compact (6.1.1) pulls in compact 4.0. target net 4.5.1

looking code ef , later on piece structuremap. created dbconfiguration class:

 public class myconfiguration : dbconfiguration  {    setdatabaseinitializer<mycontext>(new myinitializer());    setproviderservices(sqlceproviderservices.providerinvariantname,                             sqlceproviderservices.instance);  } 

and context:

 public class mycontext : dbcontext  {    public mycontext(string connection) : base(connection) {}    ....  } 

with xunit run:

 using (var ctx = new mycontext(string.format("data source={0}", path.combine(databasepath, databasename)))) {    ctx.database.initialize(true)  } 

the test case creates (and seeds through initializer) compact database. there bunch of implicit stuff happening behind scenes don't get.

for example, don't need have following annotation on mycontext class:


ef must smart enough see have myconfiguration class extends dbconnection , use it. or? can remove myconfiguration , test case still generate database (obviously not seeded). how?

i love able code assign dbconfiguration specific dbcontext without going through static:

 static mycontext()  {    dbconfiguration.set(new myconfiguration());  } 

reason being different "profiles" structuremap. ideas?

yes , no in web.config should have section this

<contexts>   <context type="<dal.mycontext, dal">     <databaseinitializer type="dal.myconfiguration, dal" />   </context> </contexts> 

where dal mycontext , myconfiguration exist


to in code must use static method dbconfiguration.setconfiguration(dbconfiguration configuration) per here , must set before use of context.


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