how to cin to int _value:1; C++ -

i have try code, wanna use 1 byte of integer save number, how can value cin, out value cout

struct songuyen{     int _value:1;     void input(){          // how can cin value _value;     }     void output(){         // how can cout value of _value;     } } 

thks got tip.!!

struct songuyen{     int _value:1;     void input(){         int value;         std::cin >> value;         _value = value;     }     void output(){         std::cout << _value;     } }; 

the integer way not 1 byte 1 bit wide (think why called feature bit fields). bit fields bad programming practice , should avoided possible. if need member width of 1 byte, rather use std::int8_t or signed char. if need 1 with width of 1 bit, use bool (even though waste 7 bits, doesn't matter on modern platforms).

a more c++ approach implement input / output of class contain operators:

struct songuyen{     int _value:1; }; template<typename chart, typename chartraits> std::basic_istream<chart, chartraits>& operator>> (std::basic_istream<chart, chartraits>& stream, songuyen& object) {     int value;     stream >> value;     object._value = value;     return stream; } template<typename chart, typename chartraits> std::basic_ostream<chart, chartraits>& operator<< (std::basic_ostream<chart, chartraits>& stream, songuyen const& object) {     return stream << object._value; } 

the calling syntax this:

int main() {     songuyen foo;     std::cin >> foo;     std::cout << foo; } 

so looks intuitive (since same syntax applies fundamental types) , modular (you're able write , read stream).


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