java - Using GSON to parse mixed type fields? -

how can use gson mixed type fields, possible?

{   'field': false }  // or  {   'field': [     1,2,3,4   ] } 

my gson class:

public class mymodel {      public  hashmap<arraylist,boolean>  blockedusers;  } 

yes possible, have handle if json array or primitive type. try code below:

string case1 = "{'field':false}"; string case2 = "{'field':[1,2,3,4]}"; jsonelement jsonelement = ((jsonobject)(new jsonparser().parse(case1))).get("field");  if(jsonelement instanceof jsonarray) {     jsonarray jsonarray = (jsonarray)jsonelement;     if(jsonarray != null && jsonarray.size() > 0) {         (jsonelement ajsonelement : jsonarray) {             // todo: handle json element inside array              system.out.println(ajsonelement);         }     } } else if (jsonelement instanceof jsonprimitive) {     boolean value = jsonelement.getasboolean();     system.out.println("value:" + value); } 

also can write custom typeadapter. see my answer question.


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