r - Shiny server deployment to shinyapps.io error -

i have issue deploying app shinyapps.io.

running deploy within rstudio (r 3.1.1/win64) following message:

preparing deploy application...done uploading application bundle...done deploying application: 20528... waiting task: 1656427   building: parsing manifest   building: installing packages   building: installing files   building: pushing image: 54178   deploying: starting instances   terminating: stopping old instances application deployed http://littlebig.shinyapps.io/crisis shinyapps deployment completed: http://littlebig.shinyapps.io/crisis 

however, when launching app message saying "application failed start" following error message:

attaching package: ‘shiny’the following object masked _by_ ‘.globalenv’:    tagserror in paste(tags$script(src = "__assets__/sockjs-0.3.min.js"), tags$script(src = "__assets__/shiny-server-pro.js"),  :   attempt apply non-functioncalls: local ... eval.parent -> eval -> eval -> eval -> eval -> pasteexecution halted 

i'm lost problem - running app locally works without issues whatsoever.


library(shiny) shinyui(pagewithsidebar(   headerpanel("crisis.net"),   sidebarpanel(     checkboxgroupinput("crisistags",                         label = h4("tags"),                         choices = list(                          "air combat" = "air-combat",                          "armed conflict" = "armed-conflict",                          "suicide bombing" = "suicide-bombing",                          "torture" = "torture"),                        selected = null)     ),   mainpanel(     h4("this app pulls data api @ crisis.net."),     h5("select tag in list see location of (up to) 500 recent reported instances."),     htmloutput("crisismap")   ) )) 


library(httr) library(jsonlite) library(stringr) library(shiny)  query.api <- function(path, ...) {   query <- list(...)   query <- query[!sapply(query, is.null)]   query$apikey <- "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"   query.url <- list(     scheme   = "http",     hostname = "api.crisis.net",     port     = null,     path     = path,     query    = query,     params   = null,     fragment = null,     username = null,     password = null)   attr(query.url, "class") <- "url"   response <- get(build_url(query.url))   stop_for_status(response)    return(response) }  crisisgetitems <- function(before = null,                            after  = null,                            placename = null,                             location  = null,                            distance  = null,                            tags  = null,                             limit = null) {    if (!is.null(tags)) tags <- paste(tags, collapse = ",")   if (!is.null(location)) location <- paste(location, collapse = ",")    if (!is.null(before)) before <- format(before, "%y-%m-%dt%h:%m:%s.000z")   if (!is.null(after)) after   <- format(after, "%y-%m-%dt%h:%m:%s.000z")    response <- query.api("item",                          before    = before,                         after     = after,                         placename = placename,                         location  = location,                         distance  = distance,                         tags      = tags,                         limit     = limit)    response.text <- content(response, = "text", type = "application/json")   items <- fromjson(response.text, flatten = true)    lon <- unlist(sapply(items$data$geo.coords, function(x) ifelse(is.null(x), na, x[1])))   lat <- unlist(sapply(items$data$geo.coords, function(x) ifelse(is.null(x), na, x[2])))    gettags <- function(x, num) {     if (is.null(x)) {       na     } else {       if (is.null(x$name[num])) {         na       } else {         x$name[num]       }     }   }    items <- data.frame(     tag1 = sapply(items$data$tags, gettags, 1),     tag2 = sapply(items$data$tags, gettags, 2),     tag3 = sapply(items$data$tags, gettags, 3),     longitude = lon,     latitude  = lat,     src       = items$data$`source`,     src.url   = items$data$fromurl   )    getlatlon <- function(lat, lon) {     if (is.na(lon) || is.na(lat)) {        na           } else {       paste(c(lat, lon), collapse = ":")     }   }    items$latlon <- mapply(getlatlon, items$latitude, items$longitude)   return(items) }  crisisitems <- subset(crisisgetitems(limit = 500), !is.na(latlon))  shinyserver(function(input, output) {    output$crisismap <- rendergvis({     gvismap(       subset(crisisgetitems(tags = input$crisistags, limit = 500), !is.na(latlon)),        "latlon",        "tag1",       options=list(showtip=true,                     showline=true,                     enablescrollwheel=true,                    maptype='terrain',                     usemaptypecontrol=true))})  }) 

httr imports jsonlite , stringr shouldn't need load those. haven't looked dependencies , masking, there great question/answer on here , defiantly matters if package imports or depends on other packages in terms of masking. i'd try changing libraries load in server.r to:


 library(shiny)  library(httr)   # rest of code...


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