fasta - Perl Program error -
i wrote perl program takes excel sheet (coverted text file changing extension .xls .txt) , sequence file input. excel sheet contains start point , end point of area in sequence file (along 70 flanking values on either side of match area) needs cut , extracted third output file. there 300 values. program reads in start point , end point of sequence needs cut each time repeatedly tells me value outside length on input file when isn't. cant seem fixed this program use strict; use warnings; $blast; $i; $idline; $sequence; print "enter blast result file name:\t"; chomp( $blast = <stdin> ); # blast result file name print "\n"; $database; print "enter gene list file name:\t"; chomp( $database = <stdin> ); # sequence file print "\n"; open in, "$blast" or die "can not open file $blast: $!"; @ids = (); @seq_start = (); @seq_end = (); while (<in>) { #spliting result file based on each...