c# - Filesystemwatcher causing "Error too many changes at once in directory C:\" -

like few others i'm getting error "error many changes @ once in directory c:\" filesystemwatcher when job. if c:\ clear there many changes. in special case set following parameters:

path = c:\ filter = "test1.txt" notifyfilter = notifyfilters.lastwrite | notifyfilters.filename | notifyfilters.directoryname includesubdirectories = true 

i started watcher , let run without problems 4 hours after Í locked pc , came short while later , had error.

now i'm wondering have caused error in case. overlooking important here? or taht includesubdirectories parameter lets check subdirectories of c:\ , ignoring filter of single file exists in c:\ ?

you can increase buffer changes - helped me once.

but every change @ c:\ subdirs can maybe cause lot of workload..

msdn filesystemwatcher.internalbuffersize property


the filter gets checked @ raising-method - internally every change gets recognized class.

i took framework code can see main raising method .....

    private void notifyfilesystemeventargs(int action, string name)     {         if (this.matchpattern(name))         {             switch (action)             {                 case 1:                     this.oncreated(new filesystemeventargs(watcherchangetypes.created, this.directory, name));                     return;                  case 2:                     this.ondeleted(new filesystemeventargs(watcherchangetypes.deleted, this.directory, name));                     return;                  case 3:                     this.onchanged(new filesystemeventargs(watcherchangetypes.changed, this.directory, name));                     return;             }         }     } 

is using method: "this.matchpattern(name)" - this:

    private bool matchpattern(string relativepath)     {         string filename = system.io.path.getfilename(relativepath);         return ((filename != null) && patternmatcher.strictmatchpattern(this.filter.toupper(cultureinfo.invariantculture), filename.toupper(cultureinfo.invariantculture)));     } 

and can see - filter checked here - far late have suppressed load... ...so way increase buffer size!


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