excel - How to open a save file dialogue box and save the file by writing a string into it in libreoffice.Below code is in VBA -

i following error when run below vba code in libreoffice

basic runtime error.

' comment code starts here      sub buildyaml()         dim yaml string                 yaml = "hello world"     dim vfile variant    'opening save box          vfile = application.getsaveasfilename(initialfilename:=sheets("simple").cells(2, 2) & "_config.yaml", _         filefilter:="yaml config file (*.yaml), *.xlsb, files (*.*), *.*", _         title:="save config file as:")         if vfile <> false             call savefile(vfile, yaml)             msgbox ("file saved")         end if     end sub 

saving file

sub savefile(filename variant, content string)     dim fso object     set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")        dim ofile object            set ofile = fso.createtextfile(filename)                 ofile.writeline content     ofile.close                 set fso = nothing     set ofile = nothing end sub 

this should libreoffice calc equivalent vba macro.

sub buildyaml()   dim yaml string  yaml = "hello world"   dim adialogtyp(0)  adialogtyp(0) = com.sun.star.ui.dialogs.templatedescription.filesave_autoextension   odialog=createunoservice("com.sun.star.ui.dialogs.filepicker")  odialog.initialize(adialogtyp())  odialog.appendfilter("yaml config file (*.yaml)","*.yaml")  odialog.appendfilter("all files (*.*)","*.*")  odialog.settitle("save config file as:")   odialog.execute  if ubound(odialog.files) < 0    sfilename =""  else    sfilename=odialog.files(0)  end if  sfiltername=odialog.currentfilter  if sfilename <> ""   call savefile(sfilename, yaml)   msgbox "file saved"  end if end sub  sub savefile(sfilename string, scontent string)  osimplefileaccess = createunoservice ("com.sun.star.ucb.simplefileaccess")  ooutputstream = createunoservice ("com.sun.star.io.textoutputstream")  ooutputstream.setoutputstream(osimplefileaccess.openfilewrite(sfilename))  ooutputstream.writestring(scontent) end sub 

save file fixed file name in path calc document stored:

sub buildyaml2()   dim yaml string  yaml = "hello world"   globalscope.basiclibraries.loadlibrary("tools")  spath=directorynameoutofpath(thiscomponent.geturl(), "/")  sfilename = "test.yaml"   call savefile(spath & "/" & sfilename, yaml)  msgbox "file saved"  end sub 




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