html - PHP DOMXPath gives empty string for /@ID -

simplified html

<tr> <td class="orderoverviewanothercolumn">0177-4066356</td> <a name="ordertablesorted:ordertable:10:j_id504" id="ordertablesorted:ordertable:10:j_id504" href="#"> </tr> <tr> <td class="orderoverviewanothercolumn">0177-4066357</td> <a name="ordertablesorted:ordertable:11:j_id504" id="ordertablesorted:ordertable:11:j_id504" href="#"> </tr> <tr> <td class="orderoverviewanothercolumn">0177-4066358</td> <a name="ordertablesorted:ordertable:12:j_id504" id="ordertablesorted:ordertable:12:j_id504" href="#"> </tr> <tr> <td class="orderoverviewanothercolumn">0177-4066359</td> <a name="ordertablesorted:ordertable:13:j_id504" id="ordertablesorted:ordertable:13:j_id504" href="#"> </tr> 

using following code in php

libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $doc = new domdocument(); $doc->loadhtmlfile('448713409.html'); $xpath = new domxpath($doc); $vres = $xpath->query(".//*[@id='ordertablesorted:ordertable:tbody_element']/tr[contains(.,'4066356')]//a[contains(@id,':j_id504')]/@id");  foreach ($vres $obj) {     $clean[] = $obj->nodevalue; }  $clink = implode(" ",$clean); var_dump($clink); 


string(0) "" 

using firebug xpath checker returns id "ordertablesorted:ordertable:10:j_id504" need find.

any in right direction appreciated.

xpath case-sensitive language. therefore, id , id entirely different things. in html sample, a elements have attribute id, none called id. that's why query not yield results.

lowercase id @ end of path expression:


i doubt firebug returns uppercase id when in actual html there none.


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