javascript - How to display array data in AngularJS using ngGrid? -

i want display following array in nggrid

$scope.pathinfo = ["28.86 gb left on dir1","28.86 gb left on dir2"]

my controller looks this:

$scope.restorepathgridoptions = { data: '$scope.pathinfo',                        columndefs: [                             {field: 'entry', displayname: 'free space paths'}                         ]                     } 

and html:

<div id="restorepathsgrid" class="gridstyle" ng-grid="restorepathgridoptions"> 

i assuming 'entry' data value of array @ indices 0 , 1.

but grid not show @ all.

any ideas why?

data: '$scope.pathinfo'

$scope not needed here.

also, if want field entry in example, have use array of objects


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