Make clang-complete in vim to autocomplete after any input -

how make clang_complete automaticaly complete not after ., -> , ::, after first 3 characters of word exampe?

this isn't supported clang_complete out of box, here example of how implemented (this rather a proof of concept rather working solution):

autocmd cursormovedi *.h,*.c,*.hpp,*.cpp call fastinvoke() function! fastinvoke()     let l:col = col('.')     if l:col == 1 || len(expand('<cword>')) != 0         return     endif      let l:line = line('.')     call cursor(l:line, l:col - 1)     let l:wordlen = len(expand('<cword>'))     call cursor(l:line, l:col)     if l:wordlen == 3         call feedkeys("\<c-x>\<c-u>")     endif endfunction 

it measures length of string returned expand('<cword>'), returns 0 @ end of word. bad thing try complete everything, might lot of failed complete messages , low performance.


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