coldfusion - check the result of a CFQUERY via CFIF statement -

i having issue sytnax on how value database , check value in if statement in coldfusion

this have far:

<cfquery name="reservecheck" datasource="rc">             select comp_type partnercompany comp_id = "#cookie.risourceusrid#" </cfquery>  <cfoutput>     <cfif #reservecheck# neq 4>                 <li><a href="http://mywebsite/gonow/index.cfm" title="product search" target="_blank">product search</a></li>     </cfif>  </cfoutput> 

change this:

<cfif #reservecheck# neq 4> 

to this

<cfif reservecheck.comp_type neq 4> 

this assumes query returns 1 row. if query returns more 1 row, code in answer looks @ first row. may or may not want.


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