Convert folder backups to Git repo -

i have inherited project not developed using scm whatsoever. instead have series of folders like:

my-project.201109011234 my-project.201110010908 my-project.201202040454 my-project.201203011123 ...and on... 

each folder complete copy of source code, , folder named after timestamp of when copy made. changes abound between each copy, i.e. files , folders added, removed, renamed , file contents changed.

is there sort of tool, can feed list of folders , create git repo me, each folder becomes commit? after hope git knows changed between each commit?

thanks adam.

it sounds me particular problem solve (i.e. there isn't tried , tested method integrate git).

that said, solution devised bit of shell/python/xyz scripting. steps these:

  • make empty git repo
  • make list of archives, sorted chronologically
  • for each archive:
    • delete contents of project directory (everything except .git directory)
    • unzip archive project dir
    • run "git add -u ." in directory
    • run "git add -f ." in directory
    • extract/generate commit message based on archive name
    • commit current state of project dir

this solution has many limitations (like not performing each commit on archive date) depending on important you, can adapt script.


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