javascript - Slick Carousel unable to call Methods -

i have several instances of slick carousel gallery set , working properly. however, cannot call methods described in documentation. (

whenever try target existing instance of carousel, following error: "uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'changeslide' of undefined." i'm trying automatically goto next slide after gallery initiated.

i've put jsfiddle replicate issue:

var gallery = $('.slick-container');     gallery.slick({         speed:100,         dots:true,         oninit: function(){             gallery.slicknext();         }     }); 


uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'changeslide' of undefined  

targeting this, $(this), $('.slick-container'), , gallery produce same exception. appreciated, thank you!!


thanks sunand fix! dealing same issue, move method out of oninit callback. apparently slick instance not initialized when oninit called. here's correct code:

var gallery = $('.slick-container');     gallery.slick({         speed:100,         dots:true,     });  gallery.slicknext(); 

i'm noticing after upgrading slick.js lot of methods slickprev() etc gone. looks way call them seems be



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