python - What encryption is used by default SecureSocial for SecureSocialPasswordHasher? -

i've got passwords on datastore hashed using method securesocialpasswordhasher.passwordhash package securesocial.utils.securesocialpasswordhasher of securesocial, , have validate them through python.

therefore, use of securesocial (or whole play framework) out of question. question is: use hashing when calling method? documentation seems bcrypt, wasn't clear enough me sure.


i've been told on securesocial forums indeed uses bcrypt work factor 10 default. doens't reflect see on datastore.

there 2 columns there, 1 salt, , 1 fro hashed password. neither of them have bcrypt header (such $2a$10$). also, salt size 11 characters long, , hashed password 22 characters long (and no signs of having salt inside string).

found out default hashing passwords on securesocial indeed bcrypt.

the default implementation it's hash method is:

  def hash(plainpassword: string): passwordinfo = {         passwordinfo(id, bcrypt.hashpw(plainpassword, bcrypt.gensalt(logrounds)))   } 

this applies latest version of securesocial.

on specific problem, main issue was not communicated code dealing using older version of securesocial, , has method overriden.


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