SQL SERVER - Efficiently joining two tables using BETWEEN operator -

i've seen similar posts, however, no conclusive answers.

i using geolite (free database) lookup ip block geo ip, , in bulk-

the respective ip's converted ipblocks, , sit table ( l ).

every ipblock falls within range (between startipnum , endipnum), sits in table ( g ).

the query below works, however, extremely inefficient since need perform on large time period -

select l.ipaddress, g.locid l inner join g on l.ipblock between g.startipnum , g.endipnum 

both tables indexed (g compound indexed),

a hash join cannot performed since join made on between operator.

is feasible option restructure table g ? or there way?

the best index a single query 1 has columns in where / join clause in nodes, , columns in select clause in leaf (if not in node already).

try putting index on table l , see if performance improves:

create index idx_l_ipblock on l (ipblock) include (ipaddress) 


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