vba - IsFileOpen() NeverSees File as Open? -

in vba (from ms access) trying determine if xls file open calling following function, sending full path , filename:

function isfileopen(filename string)      dim ff long, errno long      on error resume next     ff = freefile()     open filename input lock read #ff     close ff     errno = err     on error goto 0      select case errno         case 0:    isfileopen = false         case 70:   isfileopen = true         case 53:   isfileopen = false ' file not found         case else: error errno     end select  end function 

this routine ever returns (0) - file closed - regardless of status of file in question. have confirmed path , filename correct, constructed in access follows:

strpath = left(currentdb.name, instrrev(currentdb.name, "\")) myfile = strpath & myinvid & "changetemplate.xlsx" 

any thoughts might missing here?


argh! xls being saved accessmode := xlshared

the file passed lock test routine.

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