c++ - Eclipse (or maybe windows is to blame?) won't print unless I fflush(stdout) -

i installed eclipse , mingw on sister's computer running windows 7.
while testing see if set properly, noticed won't print anything:

#include<stdio.h>  int main() {     int x;      printf("hello world!\n");     printf("enter number... \n");     scanf("%d", &x);     printf("you entered %d", x);     return 0; } 

instead, waits input, , print whole thing @ once.
here's how looks:

345 hello world! enter number...  entered 345 

it after added call fflush(stdout) after printf("enter number... \n"); eclipse printed in right order, meaning, code:

#include<stdio.h>  int main() {     int x;      printf("hello world!\n");     printf("enter number... \n");     fflush(stdout);     scanf("%d", &x);     printf("you entered %d", x);     return 0; } 

works expected.
worth mentioning opened separate c++ project , tried same thing:

#include<iostream>  int main() {     int x;     std::cout<<"hello!\n";     std::cout<<"enter number\n";     std::cin>>x;     std::cout<<"you entered "<<x; } 

this worked fine, , prints without need of flushing anything...
why eclipse delay output in c projects?

do not give :) hope similar question helps you:

c/c++ printf() before scanf() issue

also, guess not ide specific ! cheers


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