database - On existing record skip otherwise insert data Laravel Eloquent -

i have following table structure seed dynamically api

public function up() {     schema::create('reports', function(blueprint $table) {         $table->engine = 'innodb';         $table->increments('id');         $table->integer('program_id')->unique();         $table->date('date');         .         .         .         $table->timestamps();     }); 

on each api request array of data , try save theme in table above. if program_id exist ignore records , save new one. i've been looking around not find best way validate specific value in retrieved array

sqlstate[23000]: integrity constraint violation: 1062 duplicate entry '528027827' key 'reports_program_id_unique 

the way save records

// $datas field datas api foreach ($datas $data)  {       $report = \td\reports\reports\reports::firstorcreate($data); } 

how skip insert on existing program_id , insert new ones?

you can use firstorcreate():

$data = ['program_id' => 528027827, ...];  $report = report::firstorcreate($data); 


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