ios - Prefix.pch ReactiveCocoa/RACEXTScope.h file not found error -

as mentioned in title, have reactivecocoa/racextscope.h file not found error in prefix.pch file.

the following pod file

platform :ios, "7.1"  pod 'parse-ios-sdk', '~> 1.2' pod 'reactivecocoa', '~> 2.3' pod 'reactiveviewmodel', '~> 0.2' pod 'parse-racextensions', '~> 0.0' pod 'ckcalendar', '~> 1.0' pod 'sdwebimage', '~> 3.6' 

as can see images, file exists. there not interface declaration in file. matter?

i'm using xcode 6.0.1

can give me suggestion?

error message racextscope.h file

i had same problem.

at top of podfile write line:

link_with  ['projectname', 'projectnametests'] 

install pod, , @ project build setting->other linker flags, add $(inherited).

that happened because tests couldn't find pods.


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