shell - .Sh script to install java at a specific location -

i using following command install java 8 in ubuntu 32 bit matchine.i using .sh file run these commands-

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-set-default  read -t 10 

it's working fine facing 2 problems

  • it set default location in environment variable of java(i want install in specific direcory home/abc/ , set enviornment variable according that)

  • i want pause script 10 seconds @ end check console.

i want check either enviornment variable set or not using comamnd in .sh file

export path=$path:$(pwd)/linux_32/software/jdk1.8.0_20/bin  

and when open terminal , check

java -version  

it not show me why check there problem java installation. each time .sh terminal closed

it appears trying run java -version after script modified path environment variable not persist beyond script. they're running in different shells. validate, run printenv path , you'll notice jdk path not appended.

you try running java -version within script or add jdk path after script runs, e.g. in .profile or .bashrc.


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