android - How To Use universal image loader offline caching? -

is possible catch offline using universal image loader? if possible, how use it? using configs? how set download directory manually?

out of memory erroron load huge images :

my codes :

displayimageoptions defaultoptions = new displayimageoptions.builder()             .cacheondisc(true).cacheinmemory(true)             .imagescaletype(imagescaletype.in_sample_int)             .displayer(new fadeinbitmapdisplayer(300)).build();     imageloaderconfiguration config = new imageloaderconfiguration.builder(g.appconfigs.context)             .defaultdisplayimageoptions(defaultoptions)             .memorycacheextraoptions(480, 800) // default = device screen dimensions             .diskcacheextraoptions(480, 800, null)             .memorycache(new weakmemorycache())             .memorycache(new lrumemorycache(2 * 1024 * 1024))             .memorycachesize(2 * 1024 * 1024)             .disccachesize(300 * 1024 * 1024)             .build();     imageloader.getinstance().init(config);     // end - universal image loader setup      imageloader imageloader = imageloader.getinstance();          displayimageoptions options = new displayimageoptions.builder().cacheinmemory(true)             .cacheondisc(true).resetviewbeforeloading(true)             .showimageforemptyuri(r.drawable.no_pic)             .showimageonfail(r.drawable.load_failed)             .showimageonloading(r.drawable.img_thumb).build();      //download , display image url     imageloader.displayimage(imgurl, img, options); 

how resolve ?

you can use imageloaderconfiguration.builder class customize disk caching. includes methods:

  • diskcacheextraoptions()
  • diskcachesize() (in bytes).
  • diskcachefilecount()
  • diskcachefilenamegenerator()
  • and others.

or can use diskcache(diskcache) provide custom class implementing offline caching.

from example in configuration section of wiki:

file cachedir = storageutils.getcachedirectory(context); imageloaderconfiguration config = new imageloaderconfiguration.builder(context)         .memorycacheextraoptions(480, 800) // default = device screen dimensions         .diskcacheextraoptions(480, 800, null)         .taskexecutor(...)         .taskexecutorforcachedimages(...)         .threadpoolsize(3) // default         .threadpriority(thread.norm_priority - 1) // default         .tasksprocessingorder(queueprocessingtype.fifo) // default         .denycacheimagemultiplesizesinmemory()         .memorycache(new lrumemorycache(2 * 1024 * 1024))         .memorycachesize(2 * 1024 * 1024)         .memorycachesizepercentage(13) // default         .diskcache(new unlimiteddisccache(cachedir)) // default         .diskcachesize(50 * 1024 * 1024)         .diskcachefilecount(100)         .diskcachefilenamegenerator(new hashcodefilenamegenerator()) // default         .imagedownloader(new baseimagedownloader(context)) // default         .imagedecoder(new baseimagedecoder()) // default         .defaultdisplayimageoptions(displayimageoptions.createsimple()) // default         .writedebuglogs()         .build(); 


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