custom AngularJS Directive won't draw properly -

i trying wrap angular select list simple directive allow me draw select list , label both together.

i encountering 2 problems.

1.the select list options not populating

2.the ngmodel attribute try pass down directive not populate data indicate in directive tag attribute.

var myapp = angular.module('myapp',[]);  myapp.controller('ctrl', ['$scope', function($scope){     $scope.currentbusinessstructure = '';      $scope.businessstructure = ['monarchy', 'corporation']; }]);  myapp.directive('specialselect', [function(){ return {     restrict: 'a',     transclude: true,      template:                '<label ng-transclude></label> \                 <select ng-model="currentbusinessstructure" ng-options="{{ngoptions}}" class="form-control"> \                 </select> \                 <br>inside directive: {{ngmodel}} : {{ngoptions}}',     scope: {         ngoptions: '@ngoption',         ngmodel: '='     } }; }]); 

please check out fiddle here

try this, finally. sorry didn't first.

    <select ng-model="ngmodel" ng-options="label label in ngoptions" class="form-control"> 

and div should be

        <div special-select ng-model="currentbusinessstructure" ng-option="businessstructure">how business structured?</div> 


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