Disabling the Maximize/Minimize trim space in Eclipse RCP 4 -

in eclipse 3 , eclipse 4, editorsashcontainer looks when has 1 editorstack:

editorsashcontainer 1 editorstack

in eclipse 4, adds trim (which i've colored red) when there multiple editorstacks, didn't in eclipse 3:

editorsashcontainer multiple editorstacks

i understand we're in e4, there's no such thing editor, editorstack, , editorsashcontainer , part, partstack, , partsashcontainer. there different between "root" partsashcontainer , "regular" partsashcontainer, because "root" 1 has maximize/minimize buttons , trim:

partsashcontainers , without trim

my question this:

  • what different between "root" , "regular" partsashcontainer (maybe 1 isn't partsashcontainer?)
  • how disable behavior?

my custom rcp application has 1 "root" partsashcontainer, , it's unsettling trim come , go. have mucked application.css, , gone far forking org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.addons.swt, i'm stuck.

welp, ain't pretty, found way. greg-449 crucial marea hint.

you can set rendererfactoryuri adding snippet product extension:

<property     name="rendererfactoryuri"     value="bundleclass://com.myplugin/package.to.myworkbenchrendererfactory"> </property> 

if don't set it, eclipse uses this default.

if set renderer marea regular mpartsashcontainer's renderer, works.

here's code:

import org.eclipse.e4.ui.internal.workbench.swt.abstractpartrenderer; import org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.muielement; import org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.advanced.marea; import org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.sashrenderer; import org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.workbenchrendererfactory;  public class myworkbenchrendererfactory extends workbenchrendererfactory {     private sashrenderer arearenderer;      @override     public abstractpartrenderer getrenderer(muielement uielement, object parent) {         if (uielement instanceof marea) {             if (arearenderer == null) {                 arearenderer = new sashrenderer();                 initrenderer(arearenderer);             }             return arearenderer;         } else {             return super.getrenderer(uielement, parent);         }     } } 

of course, "minimize/maximize" buttons rendered strangely, disable them anyway, fixing part problem ;-).


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