internet explorer - Worklight 6.1 : What is browser compatibility for mobile web app -

we build mobile web app in worklight version 6.1. site working on browser firefox , chrome , ie .

we facing issue ie not working on ie version , din't checked on browser different version.

error showing while launching mobile site

appendchild dosn't support line no 6077 wljq.js

is there browser compatibility list on ibm site can refer same.

when building mobile web app (that runs in mobile browser application) or web app (for example android , ios environments in worklight), faced limitations of each browser's rendering engine capabilities per browser version (every browser version have different set of features, fixes , support web specifications, etc...).

as such, there no available compatibility list. there is, however, minimum - browser support @ least ecmascript 1.8.1 in order able run worklight js framework, , supported in browsers now, mobile or desktop.

if facing issues specific browser or browser version, need overcome in web development (app or website). can example use polyfill add missing functionality or devise other alternatives.

basically, worklight not limit specific browsers or browser versions applications.

as question written in pretty generalized manner , not explain actual issue facing , whether related worklight or not, best can write @ time.


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