scala - Why does Spark Cassandra Connector fail with NoHostAvailableException? -

i having problems getting spark cassandra connector working in scala.

i'm using these versions:

  • scala 2.10.4
  • spark-core 1.0.2
  • cassandra-thrift 2.1.0 (my installed cassandra v2.1.0)
  • cassandra-clientutil 2.1.0
  • cassandra-driver-core 2.0.4 (recommended connector?)
  • spark-cassandra-connector 1.0.0

i can connect , talk cassandra (w/o spark) , can talk spark (w/o cassandra) connector gives me:

com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.nohostavailableexception: host(s) tried query failed (tried: / (com.datastax.driver.core.transportexception: [/] cannot connect))

what missing? cassandra default install (port 9042 cql according cassandra.yaml). i'm trying connect locally ("local").

my code:

val conf = new sparkconf().setappname("simple application").setmaster("local") val sc = new sparkcontext("local","test",conf) val rdd = sc.cassandratable("myks","users") val rr = rdd.first println(s"result: $rr") 

local in context specifying spark master (telling run in local mode) , not cassandra connection host.

to set cassandra connection host have set different property in spark config

import org.apache.spark._  val conf = new sparkconf(true)         .set("", "ip cassandra listening on")         .set("spark.cassandra.username", "cassandra") //optional                     .set("spark.cassandra.password", "cassandra") //optional  val sc = new sparkcontext("spark://spark master ip:7077", "test", conf)


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