list - c# How to iterate through the file system and assign numbering -

i have problem doing head in.

i want iterate through local pc folders, including directories, , calculate numbering system against each folder in file system hierarchy.

the root folders should calculate 1,2,3 etc.

if there 3 sub-folders in folder 1 calculated numbers should be: 1.1, 1.2,1.3

if there 3 sub-folders in sub-folder above calculated numbers should be: 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3

if there 3 sub-folders in folder 2 (a root folder) calculated numbers should be: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3

or expressed in way:

 1   root folder   1.1   root sub folder 1  1.1.1   sub folder  1.1.2     sub folder  1.2 root sub folder 2  1.2.1 list item  1.2.2   list item  

etc. etc.

this logic should applied folders , sub-folders.

output example

1.1.1 | "c:\root\folder1\folder1\" 

what have far appears work ok in situations can fail in other situations:

    private string rootpath = @"c:\folderhierarchy\";     private string foldersequencecountbase = "";     private int currentrootpathcount = 0;     private int counter = 0;      private void calculatefolderhierarchynumbers()     {         //get first list of folders         string[] dirs = directory.getdirectories(rootpath, "*.*", searchoption.topdirectoryonly);          (int = 0; < dirs.count(); i++)         {             foldersequencecountbase = (i + 1).tostring();             currentrootpathcount = + 1;             console.writeline("processed folder '{0}'.", dirs[i] + " = " + (i + 1));                             getsubdirs(dirs[i]);         }     }      private void getsubdirs(string item)     {         //get next list of folders in folder hierarchy         string[] subdirs = directory.getdirectories(item, "*.*", searchoption.topdirectoryonly);         foreach (var dirpath in subdirs)         {             //increment count of folders within current folder list             counter += 1;             console.writeline("processed folder '{0}'.", dirpath + " = " + foldersequencecountbase + "." + counter);         }          counter = 0;          //get next list of folders in folder hierarchy         foreach (var dirpath in subdirs)         {             foldersequencecountbase += ".1";             getsubdirs(dirpath);           }     } 

hope clear.

thanks rick

so want find file , it's number of in of directory , of it's parent directories? since found interesting i've written scratch. note it's not tested might give idea anyway:

public static ienumerable<fileentryinfo> enumeratefindfiles(string filetofind, stringcomparison comparison = stringcomparison.currentcultureignorecase, directoryinfo rootdir = null, string[] drivestosearch = null) {     ienumerable<fileentryinfo> foundentries = enumerable.empty<fileentryinfo>();     if (rootdir != null && drivestosearch != null)         throw new argumentexception("specify either root-dir or drives search, not both");     else if (rootdir != null)     {         foundentries = enumeratefindentryroot(filetofind, rootdir, comparison);     }     else     {         if (drivestosearch == null) // search entire computer             drivestosearch = system.environment.getlogicaldrives();         foreach (string dr in drivestosearch)         {    di = new;              if (!di.isready)             {                 console.writeline("the drive {0} not read",;                 continue;             }             rootdir = di.rootdirectory;             foundentries = foundentries.concat(enumeratefindentryroot(filetofind, rootdir, comparison));         }     }     foreach (fileentryinfo entry in foundentries)         yield return entry; }  public class fileentryinfo {     public fileentryinfo(string path, int number)     {         this.path = path;         this.number = number;     }     public int number { get; set; }     public string path { get; set; }     public fileentryinfo root { get; set; }      public ienumerable<int> getnumbertree()     {         stack<fileentryinfo> filo = new stack<fileentryinfo>();         fileentryinfo entry = this;         while (entry.root != null)         {             filo.push(entry.root);             entry = entry.root;         }         while(filo.count > 0)             yield return filo.pop().number;         yield return this.number;      }       public override bool equals(object obj)     {         fileentryinfo fei = obj fileentryinfo;         if(obj == null) return false;         return number == fei.number && path == fei.path;     }      public override int gethashcode()     {         return path.gethashcode();     }      public override string tostring()     {         return path;     } }  private static ienumerable<fileentryinfo> enumeratefindentryroot(string filenametofind, directoryinfo rootdir, stringcomparison comparison = stringcomparison.currentcultureignorecase) {     queue<fileentryinfo> queue = new queue<fileentryinfo>();     fileentryinfo root = new fileentryinfo(rootdir.fullname, 1);     queue.enqueue(root);      while (queue.count > 0)     {         fileentryinfo fe = queue.dequeue();         list<fileentryinfo> validfiles = new list<fileentryinfo>();         try         { // cannot yield try-catch, hence approach             fileattributes attr = file.getattributes(fe.path);             //detect whether directory or file             bool isdirectory = (attr & ==;             if (isdirectory)             {                 int entrycount = 0;                 foreach (string entry in directory.enumeratefilesystementries(fe.path))                 {                     entrycount++;                     fileentryinfo subentry = new fileentryinfo(entry, entrycount);                     subentry.root = fe;                     queue.enqueue(subentry);                     attr = file.getattributes(entry);                     isdirectory = (attr & ==;                     if(!isdirectory)                         validfiles.add(subentry);                 }             }          } catch (exception ex)         {             console.error.writeline(ex); // ignore, proceed         }          foreach (fileentryinfo entry in validfiles)         {             string filename = path.getfilename(entry.path);             if (filename.equals(filenametofind, comparison))                 yield return entry;         }     } } 

here's how tested it:

var allentriesfound = enumeratefindfiles("presentationframework.dll").tolist(); if(allentriesfound.any()) {     foreach (fileentryinfo entry in allentriesfound)         console.writeline("{0}: number: {1}", entry.path, entry.number);     // here exact requirement:     string result = string.join(".", allentriesfound[0].getnumbertree());     console.writeline(result); } 

added way specify root directory prevent whole file system searched, usage:

var allentriesfound = enumeratefindfiles(   "presentationframework.dll",    stringcomparison.currentcultureignorecase,   new directoryinfo(@"c:\windows")) .tolist(); 


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