sql - find and replace from another table mysql -
i need find , replace multiplie strings table "phrases" using table "dict"
i have code like:
update phrases, dict set phrases.name = replace(phrases.name, dict.source, dict.translate) phrases.name <> replace(phrases.name, dict.source, dict.translate)
pharses table example:
id | name | .. | .. 1 | macbook wht comput | .. 2 | lenova blck god nb | ..
dict table example:
id | source | translate 1 | wht | white 2 | god | 3 | lenova | lenovo 4 | blck | black 5 | comput | computer 6 | nb | notebook
i need phares this:
id | name | .. | .. 1 | macbook white computer | .. 2 | lenova black notebook | ..
it replace 1 string @ once in row, have 3-10 strings replace.
how code can changed replace strings in rows?
create function , use update
create or replace function translate_phrases_name(phraseid numeric) returns character varying $body$ declare phrasesstring character varying; newphrasesstring character varying; currentword character varying; currentwordtranslation character varying; numeric; wordscount numeric; begin phrasesstring := (select name phrases id = phraseid); --the string u want get, use later newphrasesstring := phrasesstring; phrasesstring := trim(phrasesstring); phrasesstring := regexp_replace(phrasesstring, '\s+', ' ', 'g'); wordscount := length(regexp_replace(phrasesstring, '[^ ]+', '', 'g')); --the count of words +1 more count of spaces wordscount := wordscount + 1; --working each word in 1..wordscount loop --find first word in string currentword := substring(phrasesstring '\a[^ ]+'); --find translation in dict table currentwordtranslation := (select translate dict source = currentword); --constructing string u want newphrasesstring := replace(newphrasesstring, currentword, currentwordtranslation); --kill first word next iteration of loop phrasesstring := replace(phrasesstring, currentword, ''); end loop; return newphrasesstring; end; $body$ language plpgsql volatile cost 100; alter function translate_phrases_name(numeric) owner postgres;
the final update be:
update phrases set name = (select translate_phrases_name(id));
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