ios - Afnetworking late response -

i new afnetworking, want array after running function crash loads data array late, there way stop till loads data array?

   -(void) getmodeldetails :(nsstring*)brandname  completionhandler:(void (^)(id array))success {      nsstring *brand = [brandname stringbyaddingpercentescapesusingencoding:nsutf8stringencoding];     [mbprogresshud showhudaddedto:self.view animated:yes];     afhttprequestoperationmanager *manager = [afhttprequestoperationmanager manager];     nsstring *link = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"",brand];     nslog(@"%@",link);     manager.responseserializer.acceptablecontenttypes = [manager.responseserializer.acceptablecontenttypes setbyaddingobject:@"text/html"];     [manager get:link parameters:nil success:^(afhttprequestoperation *operation, id responseobject) {         nslog(@"json: %@", responseobject);         nsmutablearray *dataarray = [[nsmutablearray alloc] init];         nsdictionary *returneddealdict = responseobject ;         nsarray *returnarray = [returneddealdict objectforkey:@"modeldetails"];         for(nsdictionary *dealdict in returnarray)         {             model = [[modeldc alloc] init];             model.modelid = [[dealdict objectforkey:@"id"] intvalue];             model.model = [dealdict objectforkey:@"model"];             model.mdevicebrand = [dealdict objectforkey:@"device_brand"];             model.mdevicetype = [dealdict objectforkey:@"device_type"];             model.mprotectionplanavilable = [dealdict objectforkey:@"protection_plan_available"];             model.msilverplan1year = [dealdict objectforkey:@"silver_plan_price_1year"];             model.msilverplan2year = [dealdict objectforkey:@"silver_plan_price_2year"];             model.msilverplan3year = [dealdict objectforkey:@"silver_plan_price_3year"];             model.mgoldplan1year = [dealdict objectforkey:@"gold_plan_price_1year"];             model.mgoldplan2year = [dealdict objectforkey:@"gold_plan_price_2year"];             model.mgoldplan3year = [dealdict objectforkey:@"gold_plan_price_3year"];              [dataarray addobject:model];          }         success(dataarray);         [mbprogresshud hidehudforview:self.view animated:yes];         if (dataarray.count == 0)         {             alert_view(@"please check internet connection.");             [mbprogresshud hidehudforview:self.view animated:yes];         }         else         {         }      }          failure:^(afhttprequestoperation *operation, nserror *error) {              nslog(@"error: %@", error);              alert_view(@"error occured while loading data.");              [mbprogresshud hidehudforview:self.view animated:yes];          }];  } 

and in tableview 0 data array

- (void)tableview:(uitableview *)tableview didselectrowatindexpath :(nsindexpath *)indexpath {     model = [planarray objectatindex:indexpath.row];     lblselectyourdevice.text = model.selectedmodel;     tblview.hidden = yes;     modeldetailarray = [[nsmutablearray alloc] init];     [self getmodeldetails:model.selectedmodel completionhandler:^(id array)     {         modeldetailarray = array;     }];     nslog(@"%d",modeldetailarray.count);     model = [[modeldc alloc] init];     model = [modeldetailarray objectatindex:indexpath.row];  } 

this never work:

modeldetailarray = [[nsmutablearray alloc] init]; [self getmodeldetails:model.selectedmodel completionhandler:^(id array) {     modeldetailarray = array; }]; nslog(@"%d",modeldetailarray.count); model = [[modeldc alloc] init]; model = [modeldetailarray objectatindex:indexpath.row]; 

because creating empty array, asking populated data , using without waiting population complete (or checking data want obtained).

change to:

modeldetailarray = nil;  [self getmodeldetails:model.selectedmodel completionhandler:^(id array) {     modeldetailarray = array;      nslog(@"%d", modeldetailarray.count);     if (modeldetailarray.count > indexpath.row) {         model = [modeldetailarray objectatindex:indexpath.row];          // trigger ui update or next piece of processing here     } else {         // deal error     } }]; 

note isn't creating empty objects aren't going use.


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