javascript - Mimic Django's "add" button for related fields in admin -

django has admin feature related fields when press "+" button, , can add new data , attaches via jquery, i'm assuming. i've looked @ code, , not find anywhere.

how mimic in php?

enter image description here

so, once add new 'category', id attaches onto 'category' field in window behind it. submit form , wala. how work?

this nice feature of django admin, sonataadminbundle symfony didn't implement (yet). browsed source code , found javascript function:


function showaddanotherpopup(triggeringlink) {     var name =^add_/, '');     name = id_to_windowname(name);     href = triggeringlink.href     if (href.indexof('?') == -1) {         href += '?_popup=1';     } else {         href  += '&_popup=1';     }     var win =, name, 'height=500,width=800,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes');     win.focus();     return false; } 

maybe can take function , implement own logic in php. when clicking on '+' sign function called this:

<a href="/admin/app/model/add/" class="add-another" id="add_id_tags" onclick="return showaddanotherpopup(this);">

the function call made in old fashioned way no use of jquery.

i'm sorry can't further.


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