javascript - How to upload a user profile photo with Angularjs to the mongodb database (user model) (mean stack)? -

i want able upload single photo user object profile photo. i've uploaded photos in past multiparty, i'm new angularjs , trying figure out how done.

here's how i've used multiparty in past:

model: = function(fields, files, cb){   var properties = object.keys(fields),       self       = this;    properties.foreach(function(property){     self[property] = fields[property][0];   });    var oldphotos =,       newphotos = movefiles(files, oldphotos.length, '/img/' + this._id); = oldphotos.concat(newphotos);   this.location = {name:this.loc,, lng:this.lng};   this.isvisible = (this.isvisible === 'true') ? true : false;, cb); };  module.exports = user;  function movefiles(files, count, reldir){   var basedir = __dirname + '/../static',       absdir  = basedir + reldir;    if(!fs.existssync(absdir)){fs.mkdirsync(absdir);}    var tmpphotos =, index){     if(!photo.size){return;}      var ext      = path.extname(photo.path),         name     = count + index + ext,         abspath  = absdir + '/' + name,         relpath  = reldir + '/' + name;      fs.renamesync(photo.path, abspath);     return relpath;   }); 


exports.update = function(req, res){   var form = new mp.form();   form.parse(req, function(err, fields, files){     user.findbyid(res.locals.user._id, function(err, user){, files, function(err, cb){         res.redirect('/profile');       });     });   }); }; 


.form-group           label(for='photos') photos           input.form-control#photo(type='file', name='photos', multiple=true)         .form-group 

excuse "noobness", basic projects i've done far angularjs, i've mirrored controller .factory on client side. in server-side controller, instead of redirect, i've done res.send , post in router. however, i'm not quite sure how angularjs same affect work , upload photo..

thanks in advance. also, i'm using mongodb without mongooose. i'm using ngroute currenlty, not ui-router angularjs. basically, i'm trying figure out how use entire function in angularjs.. been working on forever.. uncle

check out ng-flow. it's nice extension based on flow.js library , should give need.


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