ruby on rails - Setting Multiple Variables to Result of Query -

i have query below, return city , state shortest distance between inputted set of points , rows of table metros:

@lat = row[latitude] @long = row[longitude]         "major_city         , major_state         ,(latitude - " + @lat + ")**2 + (longitude - " + @long + ")**2 'distance'")            .group("major_city,major_state").limit(1).order('distance asc') 

what need set result 2 variables row[major_city] , row[major_state] major_city set row[major_city] , major_state row[major_state].

how can accomplish task 2 allow setting 2 variables independently?

it comes out activerecord::relation type if 1 piece of result, use .first , take single record may work.


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