vb.net - DateTime : Month Diffenece Formula in VB? -

i mean, how write formula this:

dec2013-feb2014, result = 3 (from december february, jump 3 time)  jan2014-feb2014, result = 2 (from january february, jump 2 time)  feb2014-feb2014, result = 1 (in same month 1 time)  

then have

  • textbox1.text -> month before

  • textbox2.text -> month after

  • textbox3.text -> result

  • button1.text, button result in textbox3.text

if write textbox1.text = "20-may-2012", textbox2.text = "20-feb-2014", wanna textbox3.text = 22.

if write textbox1.text = "20-may-2013", textbox2.text = "20-feb-2014", wanna textbox3.text = 10.

if write textbox1.text = "20-dec-2013", textbox2.text = "20-feb-2014", wanna textbox3.text = 3

if write textbox1.text = "20-jan-2013", textbox2.text = "20-feb-2014", wanna textbox3.text = 2

if write textbox1.text = "10-feb-2013", textbox2.text = "20-feb-2014", wanna textbox3.text = 1

and on.

how write month jumping formula?

you can datediff function in vb.net

dim dattim1 date = textbox1.text dim dattim2 date = textbox2.text  dim wd long = datediff(dateinterval.month, dattim1, dattim2)  textbox3.text = wd 


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