windows - How to configure Atom to use proxy file (pac) settings? -

on windows, possible configure atom use system default proxy instead of manually specifying proxy settings in .apmrc file?

i started using windows (windows 7 pro) , far it. i've been searching time try , editor able connect outside world , haven't met success.

our network (i'm not network expert) configured use proxy server (internal) access internet. on system, accomplished in proxy settings 'automatic configuration script', example: http://internal-server-name/sub-dir/file-name.pac.

many resources have suggested manually setting proxy information in .apmrc file:

these not answer question need system defaults work

i tried configure atom same thing when change .apmrc file have:

http-proxy = http://internal-server-name/sub-dir/file-name.pac https-proxy = https://internal-server-name/sub-dir/file-name.pac strict-ssl = false 

i following error (presumably because above address not proxy itself):

tunneling socket not established, cause=parse error 

when leave .apmrc file unmolested, receive following error when trying view packages:

getaddrinfo enotfound 

even if had proxy server ip address , port number specify, not not want hard-code credentials in config file i'm pretty sure authentication somehow set use kerberos tokens anyway, wouldn't able specify them @ all.

interestingly atom updates says installed packages (out of box) date, seem indicate portion working while packages , themes not.

here screenshots reference:

no .apmrc changes no .apmrc changes

proxy server specified in .apmrc proxy server specified in .apmrc

edit 08/31/2015

in response of feedback, tried view .pac file , extract proxy server address information. able information proxy out of file , put in .apmrc file had no affect on outcome (i still receive same errors). have since tried using cntlm no avail.

also note proxy does require authentication stated above. i've been doing further research on issue , may combination of proxy settings apm , proxy settings github. see following relevant article:

ideally, i'd solution doesn't require complete machine configuration or fragile multi-config file setup.

a .pac file javascript file browsers can run programmatically determine proxy use. useful if network needs use different proxies access different resources. if open file, you'll able make sense of (it's javascript, after all) , figure out proxy network using general access web. set proxy in .apmrc file , should work.

things more complicated if proxy requires kind of authentication. if that's problem, let me know. have experience dealing it.


ok, need authenticate. situation pretty similar mine. correct in using cntlm, need configure properly. cntlm.ini file this:

username    <your windows username> domain      <your domain name> password    <leave blank> passlm      <get running `cntlm -h` on command line> passnt      <get running `cntlm -h` on command line> passntlmv2  <get running `cntlm -h` on command line>  proxy       <your proxy address ip_address:port> proxy       <if have multiple proxies, may list them each on new line>  noproxy     localhost, 127.0.0.*, <any others should bypass proxy>  listen      <a local port listen on (i use 53128)> 

there's bit funny should know file (cntlm.ini). when install cntlm, it's included in program's folder work if it's located @ c:\program files (x86)\cntlm\cntlm.ini. guess it's more accurate should in cntlm folder inside programfiles directory should double check case.

anyway, having done that, can start cntlm (instructions in readme). next, need configure apm use local proxy. .apmrc should this:

http-proxy = http://localhost:<port # cntlm.ini> https-proxy = https://localhost:<port # cntlm.ini> strict-ssl = false 

you'd think enough there's more might help. had lot of problems npm until found https doesn't work through cntlm needed change registry since apm uses same registry, decided change too:

apm config set registry 

and then... seemed go atom's config.cson , set core.proxy http://localhost:<port # cntlm.ini>

and after that, i'd expect things work you. if it's cool , fine , atom working well, there's 1 more thing might want make (all?) other apps (npm, git, etc) work well. on command line, run:

netsh winhttp set proxy localhost:<port # cntlm.ini> "localhost, 127.0.0.*" 

this save trouble of configuring (all?) other apps one-by-one. reason, apm need configured specifically. guess doesn't use winhttp settings reason? don't know answer that.

new info 2016/03/18

i noticed there's 1 additional thing might need apps. should set following environment variables local proxy well:

http_proxy https_proxy ftp_proxy http_proxy https_proxy ftp_proxy 

it may seem overkill set both upper , lower case installed msys2 , found looks lower case versions set them , save trouble.


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