bash - getops 1 option to receive 2 arguments -

i've searched around found out getops receives 0 or 1 argument only, need make work,

i need make script run this: ./ -a string integer

what write string , integer text file.

i tried code:

 while getopts a:d opt   case "$opt" in   a) na1=$optarg     eval "na2=${optind}"     shift 2     ;;   d) ./;;   esac  done  if [ $isdef -eq 0 ]     echo "$na1;$na2" >>pbdb.txt  fi 

i can write string part text file integer keeps resulting "3".

sample: ./ -a power 0000

result inside textfile: power;3

any suggestions?

just started learning bash scripting

assuming tag accurate (you're not using /bin/sh), change

eval "na2=${optind}" 

to use "indirect variable"


with eval, you'd need eval na2=\$$optind that's uglier


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