ios - Preparing assets for iphone 6 spritekit games -

i'm making game in spritekit, , positioning cards code. size of card texture needs different based on screensize or layout screwed. same background images of course, or other layout. how iphone6 share same @2x assets lower-res screens? makes no sense. i've heard design 6, , let older phones down scale. doesnt seem happening. cut off when checking on 5s. assets 6+ fine, of course uses own set of 3x images.

display scale factor doesn't tell might want choosing assets , laying out screen — e.g. if have @2x assets, they're used on both iphone (4 , newer) , ipad (3 , newer) though ipad , iphone have different screen sizes.

spritekit's image loading falls uikit's, automatically picks right scale factor device not right dimensions. so, how you have own heavy lifting choose different images iphone 4/4s vs iphone 5/5s, you'll need @ screen size pick images and/or layout calculations on 3.5", 4", , 4.7" displays.

(actually, can uikit automatically pick iphone 3.5" vs iphone 4" images if use xcode asset catalogs, doesn't cover 4" vs 4.7" issue. that's worth filing bug about.)


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