php - 1045 PHPMyAdmin error using GAE -

summary: when attempting log phpmyadmin, running on gae, continuously receive mysql 1045 error.

suspected issue: believe don't have phpmyadmin environment connected cloudsql correctly, i'm not sure how fix it.


app.yaml - original version used in tutorial didn't work, found allows me load page. here's working one.

application: appname version: phpmyadmin runtime: php api_version: 1  handlers: - url: /phpmyadmin/(.*\.(ico$|jpg$|png$|gif$))   static_files: phpmyadmin/\1   upload: phpmyadmin/(.*\.(ico$|jpg$|png$|gif$))   application_readable: true  - url: /phpmyadmin/(.*\.(htm$|html$|css$|js$))   static_files: phpmyadmin/\1   upload: phpmyadmin/(.*\.(htm$|html$|css$|js$))   application_readable: true  - url: /(.*\.(ico$|jpg$|png$|gif$))   static_files: phpmyadmin/\1   upload: phpmyadmin/(.*\.(ico$|jpg$|png$|gif$))   application_readable: true  - url: /(.*\.(htm$|html$|css$|js$))   static_files: phpmyadmin/\1   upload: phpmyadmin/(.*\.(htm$|html$|css$|js$))   application_readable: true  - url: /phpmyadmin/(.*\.(php$))   script: phpmyadmin/\1   login: admin  - url: /(.*\.(php$))   script: phpmyadmin/\1   login: admin  - url: /(.+)   script: phpmyadmin/index.php   login: admin  - url: /.*   script: phpmyadmin/index.php   login: admin - i've made little edits possible.

/*  * servers configuration  */ $i = 0; $host = '/cloudsql/gae-project-name:appname'; $type = 'socket';  /*  * first server  */ $i++; /* authentication type */ $cfg['servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie'; /* server parameters */ //$cfg['servers'][$i]['username'] = 'root'; //$cfg['servers'][$i]['password'] = 'thepassword'; $cfg['servers'][$i]['socket'] = $host; //$cfg['servers'][$i]['host'] = 'localhost'; $cfg['servers'][$i]['connect_type'] = $type; $cfg['servers'][$i]['compress'] = false; /* select mysql if server not have mysqli */ $cfg['servers'][$i]['extension'] = 'mysqli'; $cfg['servers'][$i]['allownopassword'] = false;   //the bottom of file $cfg['mcryptdisablewarning'] = true; $cfg['pmanorelation_disablewarning'] = true; $cfg['exectimelimit'] = 60; $cfg['checkconfigurationpermissions'] = false; 

gae: can tell, app has been whitelisted in gae. should have access cloudsql instance. i've reset password numerous times , i'm sure matches in both locations.

background: i'm extremely new gae. there's ton still don't understand gae, i've followed basic tutorials phpmyadmin loaded version of application. original tutorial (here) left me without ability see phpmyadmin page @ all. after googling discovered needed change of app.yaml settings around. page running, unable log phpmyadmin @ all.

in past i've used things wamp , xampp run mysql. i've had gui available me in past troubleshooting things this. i'm familiar mysql interactions via phpmyadmin, i'm kind of lost without it.

i'll provide might need me understand issue is. let me know might need.


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