scala - build.sbt defining project dependency between modules -

i have project in playframework. has 1 main project without code/logic. , have few submodules:

  • main:
    • admin
    • common
    • shop

modules: admin , shop base on common module (classes like: user, role, permission), have configure way:

  lazy val shop ="modules/shop"))   .dependson(cirs)   .dependson(common)   .dependson(admin)      lazy val admin ="modules/admin"))   .dependson(cirs)   .dependson(common)   .dependson(shop)       

but in module common have view wonna display links (a href...) other submodules. have use reverse routing classes, wich controllers in submodules: shop , admin. have use that:

<a href="">shop</a> <a href="@controllers.admin.routes.index.index">admin</a> 

wich mean have add .dependson(shop).dependson(admin) common module.

but cause cyclic dependencies, wich incorrect!

please me. how can deal it?


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