animation - Android-Rotate and Expand imageview -

im trying rotate imageview in degrees , @ same time expand imageview's height ! code far :

public class tonguehandler {     imageview tongue;     relativelayout.layoutparams tongue_params;     objectanimator rotate_tongue;     scaleanimation scale_tongue;     animationset as;     imageview frog;     button btn;       public tonguehandler(button btn,imageview frog,imageview tongue){         this.btn=btn;         this.frog=frog;         this.tongue=tongue;     }       public void initialize()     {         tongue.setbackgroundcolor(;          tongue_params=new relativelayout.layoutparams(10,100);         tongue_params.leftmargin=frog.getleft()+frog.getwidth()/2;         tongue_params.topmargin=frog.gettop()+frog.getheight()/2;         tongue.setlayoutparams(tongue_params);         animate();     }       public void animate()     {         as=new animationset(true);         rotate_tongue=objectanimator.offloat(tongue, "rotationx", 90.0f, 90+calcangle(frog,btn));         rotate_tongue.setduration(1);         rotate_tongue.start();         system.out.println("this angle: "+calcangle(frog,btn));        /* scale_tongue=new scaleanimation(1,1,30,btn.gety(),1,2);         scale_tongue.setduration(500); */        // as.addanimation(scale_tongue);         tongue.startanimation(as);         as.setanimationlistener(new animation.animationlistener() {             @override             public void onanimationstart(animation animation) {              }              @override             public void onanimationend(animation animation) {                /* as=new animationset(false);                 rotate_tongue=new rotateanimation(0,calcangle(frog,btn),frog.getwidth()/2,frog.getheight()/2);                 rotate_tongue.setduration(1);                 scale_tongue=new scaleanimation(30,btn.gety(),2,2,15,0);                 scale_tongue.setduration(200);                 as.addanimation(rotate_tongue);                 as.addanimation(scale_tongue);                 tongue.startanimation(as);*/             }              @override             public void onanimationrepeat(animation animation) {              }         });     }      public float calcangle(view frog,view fly)     {         float angle = (float) math.todegrees(math.atan2(frog.gety() - database.flyy, frog.getx() - database.flyx));         if(angle < 0){             angle += 360;         }        /* if (frog.getx()>=database.flyx)         {             angle=-90f-angle;         }         else         {             angle=-90f+angle;         }*/         return angle;     }  } 

the problem doesnt work @ image rotates in wrong degrees (also instantly not 1ms delay) , result not sutisfying appreciated thank ;)


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