autolayout - iOS 8 tableview cell constraints broken -

i'm not sure apple changed in ios 8 tableview cells constraints broken.

they working fine in ios 7, cells appeared , behaved intended them to, no constraint conflicts log message xcode.

but after upgrading phone ios 8 , running app, got constraint conflict xcode log messages.

i haven't changed code or anything. related ios 8 new layoutmargins property?

is else having same problem?

hopefully i'm not not duplicating existing questions, please close if so.

some clarification

my app doesn't use interface builder, done code.

as said, haven't changed layout code cells, work perfect normal on iphone 5 running ios 7 run app on ios 8 iphone 5, same code shows constraint conflicts of sudden:

unable simultaneously satisfy constraints.     @ least 1 of constraints in following list 1 don't want. try this: (1) @ each constraint , try figure out don't expect; (2) find code added unwanted constraint or constraints , fix it. (note: if you're seeing nsautoresizingmasklayoutconstraints don't understand, refer documentation uiview property translatesautoresizingmaskintoconstraints)  (     "<nslayoutconstraint:0x14f735b0 v:|-(0)-[uitableviewcellcontentview:0x14f6bb60]   (names: '|':notificationsiphonetableviewcell:0x14f6a690'cellid' )>",     "<nslayoutconstraint:0x14f73610 v:[uitableviewcellcontentview:0x14f6bb60]-(0)-|   (names: '|':notificationsiphonetableviewcell:0x14f6a690'cellid' )>",     "<nslayoutconstraint:0x14f72b80 == uitableviewcellcontentview:0x14f6bb60.topmargin>",     "<nslayoutconstraint:0x14f72be0 v:[userphotoview:0x14f6c170(37.5)]>",     "<nslayoutconstraint:0x14f72c20 uitableviewcellcontentview:0x14f6bb60.bottommargin == userphotoview:0x14f6c170.bottom>",     "<nslayoutconstraint:0x14de0260 'uiview-encapsulated-layout-height' v:[notificationsiphonetableviewcell:0x14f6a690'cellid'(76)]>" ) 

i repeat, not these constraint conflict error messages when run on ios 7 device.

i didn't started learning autolayout today, i've been using few months , know of pitfalls , problems avoid autolayout. i'm inclined believe isn't beginner mistake.


ok, concede. did in fact made mistakes in autolayout constraint code.

i'm terrible liar.

i looked through constraints code , fixed them notifications page.

this notifications page easy one, got fix other crazy 1 got complex layout >.<

seems ios 8 more better picking conflicting constraints. thumbs up

i hope can fix other page.


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