java - How to speed up queries in sqlite android in db.execSql -

i have following code use enter data in database.

public static void execsql(sqlitedatabase db, string sql) {     string[] parts = sql.split(";");     (string entry : parts) {         db.execsql(entry);     }    } 

initially "insert ......" in sql string, execute each insert cycle. total insert 22908. data input 4 minutes, think long time. data 7,95 mb. there way speed introduction , bring seconds ?

insert location ( 'latitude' , 'updated' , 'id' , 'longitude' , 'created' ) values( '213.2000000' , '2014-08-25 11:07:42+00:00' , '1' , '321.0000000' , '2014-08-25 11:07:42+00:00' ); insert location ( 'latitude' , 'updated' , 'id' , 'longitude' , 'created' ) values( '42.7191000' , '2014-09-17 12:53:49+00:00' , '2' , '23.0834000' , '2014-09-17 12:53:49+00:00' ); ...................... 

here data sql variable.

wrap work in transaction:

db.begintransaction();  try {   // sql goes here   db.marktransactionsuccessful(); } {   db.endtransaction(); } 

right now, doing 1 transaction per sql statement, horribly slow. each transaction involves disk i/o, , more efficient 1 larger batch of disk i/o thousands of little ones.

using prepared statements incrementally well.


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